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Waitress in Fall

Lamont, Waitress in Fall 1.jpg


Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Waitress in Fall, translations by Vala Thorodds (Partus & Carcanet, 2018). 144-page paperback.

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Cover Design

Kristín Ómarsdóttir is an Icelandic poet, novelist and playwright. Waitress in Fall is the first substantial selection of her poems to be published in English translation. The bright, assertive design reflects the boldness of the poems, and the slightly off-kilter horizontals suggest something of the jauntiness and surreality of Kristín’s landscapes, in which children lap milk from trees and car tyres are ‘soft as skin’. The font, a calligraphic sans-serif, expresses that combination of intimacy and brutalism one finds in the poems.

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Page Design